Monday, August 21, 2017

Be Teachable

"The sketchy details of the story and the customs involved do not effect the overall meaning of the story." (Sailhamer 214) This chapter has some weird stuff that doesn't really make sense to us. Don't focus on that. Focus on what is happening in the big picture.

Open your Bibles to Ruth 3 and read along as we talk through the chapter. (Seriously open your Bible or at least open this in a new tab!)

Read verse 1.What Naomi is really saying here is "shall I find you a husband?" That word rest or security is the same one we see in 1:9 where she adds "in the house of her husband."

Read verses 2-5. Naomi comes up with a plan and Ruth says she'll be obedient to it. No questions, no suggestions for another way. She trusts Naomi to know the customs of her people and obeys without any debate.
Also, in verse 2 when it talks about the threshing floor... that was a shared building in the community. They would each be assigned a turn to use it. That's why Boaz would be sleeping there; he needs to keep an eye on his stuff that it doesn't get stolen.

Read verses 6-9. Ruth carries out the (strange) plan. Boaz wakes up in the middle of the night (after a hard day of work, this was probably God waking him up). He notices a woman, asks who she is and she says "it's Ruth; spread your cover over me." Again we miss some connections not knowing the original language or maybe just because we don't pay attention to details. But that word cover is also translated as wing depending on the version you read. It is the same word used in 2:12 when Boaz is blessing Ruth.
In Exodus 25:17-22, this word is used describing the decorations on the ark of the covenant, which was the place God dwelled. In the Psalms, this word is used multiple times explaining that we can go under God's wing as a refuge or shelter for our souls. So readers in biblical times knew the weight of the words Ruth was saying to Boaz, she wasn't simply asking him to share his blanket with her.
And one more thing to note for all the single ladies: This is not a recommended way for women to go find a husband today! According to commentaries, Ruth was being forward but that was because she was a widow. And going at night was probably so if he refused her proposal, he could do so quietly without embarrassing either one of them.

Read verses 10-13. Boaz replies by blessing and encouraging her... gives her some information... and gives her some specific instructions.
In verse 11, Boaz refers to Ruth as a "woman of excellence." In the Hebrew Bible, the books are arranged differently. There's the Law, the Prophets and the Writing. The Law is the first five books (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, & Deuteronomy). The Prophets include the historical books where we learn of the prophets as well as the actual books of prophecy (Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah & Malachi). Finally, the Writing is the poetic books (Psalms, Job, Proverbs, Ruth, Song of Solomon, Ecclesiastes, Lamentations of Jeremiah, Esther, Daniel, Ezra & Chronicles). 
Ok, so why does that matter? Ruth is located after Proverbs. The book of Proverbs ends with "An excellent wife, who can find?" (Prov. 31:10) and a description of that woman. Then the book of Ruth is next with an example of an excellent woman. I think it's pretty cool the way that works out.
This whole story has been working out pretty nicely (haha well besides the deaths in the beginning). But as far as things between Boaz and Ruth, everything seems to be falling into place. Until Boaz tells Ruth that there is actually another kinsman redeemer who would have the opportunity to redeem her first. Like any good ABC Family or Lifetime movie, there has to be a bit of conflict in the story.

Read verse 14. Boaz is an upstanding guy and to avoid any rumors, he has Ruth leave so no one notices she was there.

Read verse 15. That amount of barley would have weight about 60 pounds. "She girds herself with strength..." (Prov. 31:17) Ruth is definitely strong! And interestingly, he probably put it on her head for her to carry.

Read verses 16-18. As always, Ruth tells Naomi everything that happened. Naomi responds with confidence that  Boaz will take care of everything today!

  • Be teachable. Listen to the advice given to you by the people who are wiser than you. You don't know everything and other people have more knowledge or more experience that they can offer you. Learn from them! Let them help you not to make decisions you may regret later.
  • Girls: Be a woman of excellence. Guys: Be worthy of a woman of excellence. As we talked about with chapter 1, this was written in the time of the Judges when not many people were very excellent or worthy. Boaz and Ruth were exceptions. They were worthy when most peole around them were worthless. Regardless of what the people around you are doing, strive to be like Christ. In doing so, you will become a woman of excellence (or a worthy man).
  • Don't dilly dally on important matters. Some times we need to think about decisions, like where to go to college or whether to move to Hawaii or other significant choices. But sometimes there are simple, yet important decisions that we should make immediately. These choices are whether to do the right thing or not. If Lauren is sad and lonely, I don't need to think for hours or days or weeks about whether I should talk to her and encourage her. Don't dilly dally, the answer is obvious.

Feel free to comment or email me your thoughts!

And to cite my source, the quote from the beginning is from the NIV Compact Bible Commentary by John H. Sailhamer.
In Sunday School, we are going through the book of Ruth. We read the chapter and discuss as we go along. I always make the teens share how they think we can apply it before I share what I think.

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