Thursday, August 7, 2014

We Serve Because We Love

Welcome to Ecuador! I don't know what you were expecting, but I can tell you for sure that over the next 10 days our focus will be on serving – serving God and serving others.

We all have read numerous Bible stories and verses that tell us we should serve. "And whosoever would be first among you, shall be servant of all." (Mark 10:44 ASV). "Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God." (Heb. 13:16 ESV). "As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God varied grace." (1 Pet. 4:10). I could make you read the passage in John about Jesus serving the disciples by washing your feet. However, knowing we should serve is a no-brainer! You all know that, that’s why you’re here.

If I come over your house and ask you to get me a drink, you'd do so gladly (at least I hope you would). However, if your mom or your little brother were to make that same request, would you be as willing to serve them as you were me? My guess is you're a little less likely to want to do so... You might roll your eyes or mutter under your breath a little while doing it (I know cause I’m right there with ya).

Serving isn't just about what you are doing, but how you do it. We see this when we're eating out – there are good waiters and bad waiters and lots of time that has to do with their attitude or demeanor. We want the people serving us to be kind and pleasant, and to do the job well.

We are here in Ecuador because we love. We love God and want to honor Him through serving. Right now, you're probably excited and ready to start doing whatever is on today's agenda. You'll quickly do whatever it is that's being asked of you. However, as the week progresses, you're going to start to get tired and worn out. And you might start getting annoyed by constantly being around people. And when Jeff or Reiner or whoever asks you to do something, you're a little less likely to want to do so... You might roll your eyes or mutter under your breath a little while doing it.

If we serve because we love, our attitude or demeanor should reflect that. "Do all things without grumbling or disputing." (Phil. 2:14 NAS) or worded a little differently, "do everything readily and cheerfully – no bickering, no second-guessing allowed!" (Phil. 2:14 MSG). What we do isn't as important as how we do it. This applies not only to this week, but once we are back home as well. If we say we serve because we love, we need to serve joyfully, so others can actually see that love.

For example... Think about Jonah, what comes to mind when you hear his name?

As I wrote that question, immediately this song popped into my head: "Jonah was a prophet, ooh ooh, but he never really got it, sad but true." I know that the book of Jonah is a familiar story, but I would still like for you to read it. If you have time, read all four chapters. If not, read Jonah 3:10-4:11.

After running from the Lord, Jonah went and served God as he was supposed to, but he did it with some eye-rolling and muttering – and a hike up a cliff. He loved God, so he served Him, but he did it out of obligation and took no joy from what he did. When I think of Jonah, I think of how sad it was that he missed out on the joy of serving because of his bad attitude. Sure, God was still able to use him and the Ninevites were saved, but Jonah missed out.

What does this mean for you? As we go through the week, make sure that as you serve you do it with a good attitude. Not every job you get assigned is going to be fun or easy, some could be a pain… When we serve joyfully, it lets people see our love for them but more importantly our love for God.
"And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, especially to those who are of the household of faith." (Gal. 6:9-10 ESV).

This is a devotional I wrote for the teens on the Ecuador missions trip. Our theme for the devotionals is "We _____ because we love." We came up with a list of 11 (one for each day), and this is one I was assigned.

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