Read verses 1-2: Samson sees a Philistine woman and wants her. Therefore he asks his parents to get her for him. I find it rather annoying that he just looks at this woman and decides he wants her like she's a piece of meat, but times were different then, so I can look past that. However, she's a Philistine woman and God has made it clear that the Israelites are not to intermarry with any foreigners (Deut 7:3-4). This whole thing goes against his life purpose of delivering Israel from the Philistines, he's about to deepen their connection!
Read verse 3: His parents wisely try to convince him otherwise, but he doesn't want to hear it. He talks about it being "right in his own eyes" (ESV), but this is a major problem, we need to live for what's right in God's eyes, not our own.
Read verse 3: His parents wisely try to convince him otherwise, but he doesn't want to hear it. He talks about it being "right in his own eyes" (ESV), but this is a major problem, we need to live for what's right in God's eyes, not our own.