Friday, February 14, 2014


Have you ever watched A Bug's Life? There's a colony of ants who are being oppressed by a swarm of grasshoppers. Every year the ants try to prepare as much food as possible for the winter so that they can give a share to the grasshoppers and still have some of their own leftover. The next couple of chapters are all telling the story of Gideon. This first chapter of his story reminds me of the oppression the ants experienced in the movie.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Deborah & Barak

This is my least favorite story so far in Judges. We've been talking about the major flaws the judges have and how God uses them in spite of this. God is their strength and He works through them and their weaknesses. As Priscilla Shirer says, "God handpicked people for the job who were terribly flawed, then empowered them to fulfill these roles in spite of their shortcomings."
Well, in chapters 4-5 the judges are Deborah and Barak. Her major flaw: she's a woman. It seriously pains me to say that... He's got his own flaws too, which we'll get to as well!