Our theme for youth group really, but specifically for Maine
this year was Becoming Who You Are. One of the things I feel like we discussed
a number of times on the trip was that this is a process. I’m not going to wake
up one day and be this super Christian, but it’s a process that day by day God
is shaping me into the person He wants me to be. It’s really difficult at times
though because the changes are often so gradual that you don’t see them.
Perfect example, I lost lots of weight but each day when I
would look in the mirror I wouldn’t notice any sort of change. In my mind, I
looked the same day after day. However, I was slowly changing. I would notice
that clothes were becoming too big or I’d have to put a new hole in my belt so
my pants would stay up.
The biggest way I would notice the change is looking at
pictures. When people lose weight they often do before and after pictures.