Monday, June 11, 2012

Valley Forge Battlefield

My freshman year of college I saw a poster that the Senior class was planning a picnic at Valley Forge Battlefield. I found it rather amusing because a simple Google search would inform you that there was no battle at Valley Forge, it's just where George Washington and the troops spent the winter of 1777-1778.
I was running in Valley Forge the other day and chuckled to myself as I thought about that erroneous poster.
But then starting thing that the lack of a battle does not mean a lack of significance. In US History my sophomore year of high school, I learned that the winter at Valley Forge was the turning point of the Revolutionary War. The troops were unified by the time together and trained by Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben. It was during this winter that they were transformed from a group of colonists to the Continental Army.

Which got me thinking... the turning points in life are sometimes winters of preparation, not battles.